The old fashioned way? Well, it seems that the United Nations, a body of diplomats who know very little about martial matters, seems to have found the solution to the current battle between Israel and their terrorist neighbors. It is utterly amazing to see far we post-modern, relativist, humanists have gone in our faith in humanity. Warfare is no longer a clash between good and evil, oppressor and liberator. It is now a clash between two equal groups who have equally valid claims. Much like two quarreling toddlers.
Unfortunately the enemy does not feel this way. The enemy sees Israel, the west, heck, all infidels as the enemy and in need of extermination. However, the U. N. in its infinite wisdom, backed up by their impressive peacekeeping track record feels that they can settle this dispute. Well, good on them. One of these days America, and indeed all of the west, is going to have to wake up and actually realize that we have an enemy to fight. At least I hope we do!
United Nations...don't you mean United Notions?
That's good Dave! We need to get together for a beer...or three.
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