Friday, March 10

spring greens

Every year, I watch for the budding of the new leaves on the trees, and every year, I write somewhere something about the glory and joy of their catch-breath beauty. If Christmas marks the deep furrows of the honourable old things, the venerable traditions of faithful man on Time's winding road, then Easter heralds the delightfully new, the diamond light of translucent radiant mercy sparkling from every tree top as the spring time rushing winds pour through supple young branches. I find that here in south Texas, even the scruby, knarled and bent old grey mesquite trees are clothed in delicate, lacy greenery that flies up in the wind like little girl dresses on a Sunday morning.


Anonymous said...

Kelly - I have long loved the first baby-green tendrils of the Mesquite, and you have described it perfectly! Grandmother often commented on how she loved the new green of Mesquites, and she would have LOVED your description, too! Love you ~ Linda

Kermit and Elektra said...

Linda, I'm glad you got to see them, too, recently!--I hope you weren't too far north for the trees to be blooming, as they are down here. You are right about the burst of flowers--what a surprise--the phoenix of south Texas dies every winter to be risen out of the ashes, a new life in spring! love~K.

Bonnie, Love to you!