Monday, January 17

This Year's Theme: Minimize

You know that seasonal feeling of cleaning out the closet, the pantry, or the garage?  Well, this year Kelly and I have felt that same feeling not just as a seasonal feeling, but as a general life calling.  Why?  I am really not sure.  I wish I knew.

Sure, we are up for orders this year, but in all reality we will propably just stay here.  True, we have put our house on the rental market in order to move from a lovely home in the suburbs to a small loft or home in the middle of the city, but we could still fit most of our stuff in there if we wanted to.  So why?  Why would I want to get rid of so much of our "stuff" and live with as small a footprint as possible?  Am I running from something?  Are we having a mid-life crisis already?

To be sure, I am not sure.  But I would say that this idea of minimizing is in response to a feeling of the heart.  Ok, so maybe feeling is not the right word, but pressure may be.  I have met more people over the past year who have seemed to be light posts on a dark and lonely road. . . and they have all felt the same thing.  Over Christmas, I was talking with a friend and he said "if I could put a word to what we are doing this year, it would be minimize."

Christ Himself was all about minimizing.  All He asked us to do was take up our cross and follow Him.  Maybe that is the key.  Maybe I am finally just learning to live as a Christian.  At least that is what I would like to think is true.  Perhaps I want my identity to be more tied up in who Christ is and what He wants me to do with my "stuff" than tied up in just my "stuff."

Regardless, the urge and desire is there.  Our prayer is just that we would be wise to follow the desire with discretion and follow wherever He may lead.


Valerie said...

I'm assuming you guys have read Crazy Love by Francis Chan? Great book!!

Kermit and Elektra said...

No, we haven't--just heard about it through some other friends, too. Glad to hear you liked it!

Meredith Roark Childress said...

You've convinced me to begin now to have less. It's a marvelous quest and one that will be rewarded, I'm sure. Blessings...Mimi