Saturday, June 9


Human Trafficing

The Pursuit of Happyness

Little Children

Watch these movies and consider (not all in one night--one in a week was fast enough for us) these pictures in light what Robert Capon says on the coinherence of God. He likes to open up the real world behind these film-worlds. Starting with the Athansian creed, we are to know that "the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet they are not three Gods but one God."

Capon expounds upon the mystery of coinherence: "this coinherence...rubs off on the world that the Trinity brings forth. When God creates man in his own image, for instance ('man,' just to remind you, is the 'adham, male and female), he makes us into beings totally in love with mutual indwelling, with walking into, with dancing into relationships at every turn of our lives. For one thing, he's made us positively wild about turning two people into 'one flesh' in marriage. For another, he's made us just as driven to implicate ourselves in friendships, families, towns, cities, and states. He's made a sociable world....The whole natural order--from the nearest grain of sand to the farthest star--is just as much an image of the mutual indwelling of the Persons of the Trinity" (Genesis, the Movie, 30).

I especially like how he puts into words the "positively wild" bit about marriage.

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