Saturday, October 7

two great names

Belle and Sebastian. Do you mind if I steal them from your husband's witty hand, Rachel?


Dorothy Marner said...

Are you in the market for names?

Rebekah said...


Rachel said...

Wow. Are somebody pregnant?

Belle & Sebastian are 2 dudes, btw. Scottish, I think.

Anonymous said...

I talked to you on Friday! Hum, did you fail to tell me something important?

Anonymous said...

Never did such a short blog elicit more response!

(I'm sure Gilbert would LOVE to have a cousin to play with. After all, the CousinClub membership is always open!)

Kermit and Elektra said...

LOL-- Y'all are funny. I was being serious--for a book, like one with a fairy tale ending. Living in the bottom peninsula of the usa causes one to dream of heaven. :)