Friday, November 4

Big dog, little dog

Mr Scherrer is out of town happening to visit the elder Mr Scherrer, spending a work day with dad as every boy should yet rarely gets the opportunity. Cross country flights take one away from home upon expeditions into the unknown and thus educate the man in a well-rounded way. Hands-on skill practice in the little jet, a city to explore upon landing, conversations to be had over dinner, a day in between to folic as on holiday, and a return to base to find the satisfaction of the ordinary life one left behind, coming home a new man.

1 comment:

Kermit and Elektra said...

Perusing blogs, trying to read more than ten pages at a time, making messes while baking sweet potatoes (and other healthy things Mr Scherrer just can't abide...yet), sleeping in and delighted to be off work, off crowds of people, off house managing, off bedtime....all b/c I can't be off missing him. ;)