Thursday, September 6

Summer's End

While certain sections of the country have been dealing with a long, hot summer, we in eastern North Carolina have had a rather pleasant run of the season as far as summers go. No, we have not been sitting around in our jackets as some folks would have us believe we did in the days before "global warming"...interesting note, I have always remembered summers as being hot, sometimes really hot....But I digress.
Here we have had rain, a front to cool things off for a few days every few weeks, and the cool sea breezes in the evening to put an end to the humid heat of the day.

This past weekend we had our first taste of cool air for the new season. What a refreshing change a shift in wind direction can bring. With evening lows in the sixties the stars seem to blaze a little happier. The bugs sing louder, fly further; the yards are graced with yellow butterflies, flitting hummingbirds, and the evening woods are prowled by hungry coyotes, letting us know that humans are not the only creatures enjoying the new weather.

This pleasant change in weather brings for me new ideas. There is plenty of work to do on the house as it cools down and new garden plans are being laid that will make for perfect Saturday afternoon chores.


Anonymous said...

We were so glad to share the Labor Day weekend with you. Thanks again for letting us invade your house. The weather was perfect, improved upon only by our gracious hosts.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home and environ you have. I don't think there's an ugly bit of natural North Carolina. (We won't mention the strip malls.)

Be careful of those coyotes - they'd think Sweet Pea would make a nice, little appetizer. I know you won't forget what they thought of Ladybug!

Love you, love you.

The McConnell Family said...

You're so poetic! I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time with you all in beautiful NC!