Wednesday, September 21


As one turns a corner to get to the other side of the room, so the week turns on a Wenesday, a hinge connecting the First day and the Last.

Every weekend in a regular man's schedule provides the opportunity to enter a novel realm. Once freed of the week's responsibilities, we seek relaxation in the form of recreation, a sacred time that will give us a break from the demands of tedious details in week-life. Thus, we find ourselves dividing our lives between two kinds of time: work time and free time.

While we commonly identify ourselves by our work, what is perhaps more telling about a man is the manner in which he spends the spare time, the sacred off time of the weekend. Where does one go? What is there to do? How do we spend it (as if it were gold)? Or is this freedom time like iron to us--harder than the cross of work time--to bear?

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