Tuesday, June 24

Daisy time

Our daisies are in full bloom today, after a three-fold series of rain storms yesterday. The daisy tends to be abused with overuse in sentimental baby girl layettes and mistily empathetic Hallmark cards. In reality, they present a cheerful, unabridged profusion of white petals shooting out from their yellow centers, like dozens of sunny-side-up eggs flying right out of the frying pan at you, the onlooker of the garden. That's what greets our visitors these days as they pull into our drive. Prepare to be chuckled at by a host of the bright yellow day's-eyes.

Monday, June 23

Fruit of our Labours

We built and filled our little brown bed with local horse manure and nursery soil back in March, strategically located in the corner of the yard. A bit ignorant of our summer sun patterns, we now have tomatoes and beans growing in the shade with very tall marigolds reaching for the scattered light of the afternoon. Despite such experimental setbacks, we've enjoyed several rosy tomatoes and baby beets with green onions. The fight against cabbage moths was nearly lost upon our cauliflower, but Kermit rescued them with a concoction from our True Value, which became our preferred source for plants since last year's flower beds were planted. I am most happy with our two lavendar plants, which often languish in the humidity of the south, but produced handfuls of lavender wands to be dried.

Monday, June 2

Next To My Big Red Chair...